Publish part or all of a data source. You can share this view directly, or use it in other Data Views.
- Go to the Data Views main page. Click the button to “Publish Data View”.
- Give your data view a Title. Toggle on or off “Make this data public” button, depending on whether you want to keep this data private or allow anyone to use this data.
- Select your Data Source, from a dataset you’ve already uploaded. Once selected, the Columns and Preview Table will automatically populate.
- Select the columns from your Data Source that you want to publish. The Preview Table on the right will automatically populate with the columns you’ve selected, so you can confirm that’s what you want to publish.
- Click the button for “Save Data View”. This will generate Data Endpoints, available as a CSV or a JSON file, below the Preview Table. These Data Endpoints can now be published as is, or visualized as a chart or table.